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Visual management scoreboard – step 1 towards a smart factory

Ever consider how much time your teams currently spend manually collecting and calculating data?

LineView for UK Operations Supporting, or Impacted by, COVID-19

Starting today, we are offering our systems free-of-charge to help improve efficiency in key UK plants.

Manufacturers that are contributing to the global…

How to improve Takt Times with Shop Floor Visualisation

One of the useful concepts to master in Lean Manufacturing is the concept of Takt Time. I like to think of the Takt Time of a manufacturing process as…

8 Low-Cost OEE Initiatives Using Shop Floor Visualisation

It goes without saying that to improve OEE performance, your team first needs the most up-to-date information on their current performance to enable them…

5 Steps to Reducing Overtime with Shop Floor Visualisation:

I was recently in an FMCG plant that has a hand packing hall. In this particular operation, every individual unit is manually lifted from the line and…

Visit LineView Solutions At EXPO PACK Mexico 2020!

We are happy to announce that LineView Solutions will be exhibiting at the upcoming EXPO PACK Mexico City show on June 2nd-5th, 2020. 

Why UK breweries need to focus on the packaging line, not the top line

If UK breweries could make a wish, they would likely ask, “People throughout the Kingdom, please drink more beer!”

Wait, maybe they already have.


Aston Manor Cider Chooses LineView for Increased Production Efficiency

We're excited to share that UK-based Aston Manor Cider has selected LineView for production line monitoring and OEE data collection software. With a goal…

Not just bottlenecks and downtime. How to spot poor line control:

Bottlenecks, inefficient stops and starts and under-utilised conveyors are all fire-engine red signs of ineffective line balance and control. These are…

Poor line control lowers OEE: Why your goal should be Perfect Flow

Line control has a strong correlation with packaging line performance and OEE. Unfortunately for line performance KPI, the way in which machines are…